

by Rachael Lashley 5 September 2019
For results to appear, you need to be motivated enough to train on a regular basis. You might already know, i'm all about balance. It's important to enjoy life and not be super hard on yourself all the time, however if you really want to see changes, you'll need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle. So with that said, here's 5 of my tips to get motivated for the gym... 1. Get your mindset right Any physical transformation starts in the mind. yYou HAVE to believe in what you're doing and believe that by training regularly and eating right the results will come. If you don't believe in your training, or don't believe you can get the results you want, you'll struggle to find the motivation to show up at the gym. Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset it crucial! 2. Be clear on your goal The best way to stay motivated is to be clear on WHY you should train in the first place. Whether you want to lose some weight, get stronger, feel healthier (or all of the above). set yourself a goal that you WANT to achieve, and set out small tasks to achieve it - e.g training 3x a week and lowering your calories slightly. By referring to your goal on a regular basis, it will motivate you to get to the gym and put the work in. And if you feel lousy some days when you look in the mirror, just remind yourself of how you'll feel when you achieve the results you want - that should spur you into taking action. 3. Reward yourself The best way to keep you motivated is to reward yourself when you reach certain milestones. This way you'll keep striving to reach the next milestone as you'll have something to look forward to. This could include treating yourself to your favourite food after you've eaten clean all week, buying a new pair of gym leggings because you've lost some weight, or maybe it's something as simple as swapping an early morning session for a well-deserved lie in - anything that brings you joy and encourages you to keep going with your training. 4. Train with a friend A friend will help keep you accountable for your workouts and the right training friend will encourage you to show up at the gym even on the days you really don't feel like it. They'll also motivate you to train harder, especially if you're of a competitive nature. Working out with someone can even make it more enjoyable. 5. Make your workouts FUN! Yes... fun! Working out doesn't have to be a horrible slog you dread doing. If you don't enjoy working out and hate going to the gym, simply try something else. Do something thats more enjoyable and you'll be more motivated to do it. If you've got a trainer you don't particularly like or are following a programme you don't enjoy, why not try a new one? I love motivating and encouraging my programme members and it makes all the difference when you've got someone routing for you. The best thing is, my programme really does provide amazing results to those that put that the work in, so the motivation to keep going comes naturally once my members start seeing changes. If you'd like to be part of my team and transform your life, you can sign up here: SIGN UP NOW
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